Data Number:2-1
Data Title: Survey of workforce
and on-job training in Shanghai - 1997
Principal Investigator(s) and Affiliation(s)
Xiao Jin (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Data Abstract
There were two questionnaires, one administrated to employees and one to their firm
were used in this survey. The employee questionnaire used in Shenzhen's human capital
development project in 1996 was adapted. The questionnaire contained following sections:
(a) an employee's pre-job formal education, (b) technological changes experienced
in the workplace, (c) on-the-job training provided by firms to employees; (d) adult
education and training courses that an employee attended outside the firm; and (e)
an employee's position technical proficiency level and salary over 5 years.
The other questionnaire was administrated to the firm. Information was collected
on the service offered and products manufactured by the firm, ownership, annual
total product and sales of product, investment in research and development, in training,
and formation of personnel in their technical and administrative terms, physical
capital. Data of 1994, 1995 and 1996 were collected.